I have 878 blog posts to choose from since 4 years ago when I started blogging. That is a crazy number but I have done it for my family, for my love of food and farming and for my sanity. My kids don’t have baby books but they have this blog. This 2010 blog post is a favorite. All of our kids spend time on our family farm. They know where their food comes from and they know our family has farmed this land for generations.
They know the view 90 miles from Wal-Mart. We live it and we love it.
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Miss E got off the combine after riding with her Grandpa Fred but wasn’t ready to go home to take a bath. So we settled in on the edge of the field to watch the barley harvest on top of a row of hay bales. I ended up taking more than twenty of my favorite photos I have ever taken during our time on the bales. It was one of those moments I wanted to box up and save forever.
She told me all about what Grandpa Fred was doing in the field and how she liked helping him “fill the sand (barley) in the trucks”.
We watched Great-Grandpa Sonny roll by in his combine, Great Uncle Jim with big brother Hunter riding along in their combine and Uncles Robbie and Joe both drive in the big tractors pulling the grain carts. We watched the combines dump “the sand” on the go into the grain carts. Then the grain carts dumped into the trucks which were hauled away to the grain bins.
We might live 90 miles from Wal-Mart, Starbuck’s and McDonald’s but this is a great reminder why we do, four generations of family in one farm field. It is a life experience that you cannot get in the suburbs of New Jersey or in downtown Chicago but on the prairies of North Dakota our kids know this every day life as their own. For that I am grateful for our farming family and the livelihood that is carried on across four generations in North Dakota.
I love living far away from city life.
Your kids are especially blessed, as are you all. What a wonderful post. ♥
Great photos. Have to pin this one. Thank you for sharing your favorite with us! I feel like I’m in the club now or something 🙂
Great post. I miss those days with my kids in the field. Enjoy them while you still can. They grow up too fast.
Thanks for reposting. I would have missed it.
I still love the pictures in this post. What a great memory for Miss E! Congrats on 4 years!!!