It’s nearly Wordless Wednesday. By the time you read this I will be driving home 705 miles after attending a small town technology conference. I have sat today listening to a wide array of speakers on a variety of topics. But I am mostly thinking about how technology applies to my kids, to their education and life in a rural area. I have listened to speakers on how they are using technology to engage kids in education and how to protect kids . A favorite quote was “If you don’t engage kids, they power off.”
Sometimes I am so busy worrying about my kids in the moment we are in that I don’t think about engaging them. I don’t think about big picture always.
i like how you manage to give your kids a balance of rural, simple living as well as technology. 🙂
I think technology is great for kids…but there is always too much of a good thing. We don’t have cable tv but my kids watch/play a few things on the computer and no more than an hour or so a day. Technology has a lot to offer but so does going outside for a walk and looking at bugs. It’s all about balance and age appropriateness(sp?).
Balance is a must. I love that quote. It’s so true and simple. Thanks for hosting. Your family is adorable!
I often dream of a life free of this technology we are bombarded with nowadays. But I also know that it can be a source of good in our lives. Finding balance is key.
Too much of something is bad. Balance is important. Beautiful photos! happy ww!
My oldest uses the computer more than I would like. He begs for more computer time, but I really think it’s important that he get outside and play. Luckily, with harvest coming, all he wants to do is be out helping dad get the combine ready!
I love love love the pink outfit! And I understand the part of engaging and picture taking!
As an educator I think it is SO important to introduce our kids to technology but to also have our kids experience things without technology like going out and playing ball. To embrass and know how to use technology but to not depend on it would be the goal for my kids.
We’re still figuring this one out in our house. Our 6yo takes to technology like a duck to water. We’ve not taken the video game plunge yet, and wish to put it off for as long as possible. But we do try to empower him to use the computer (as does his school) and to remember he’s in control of it not vice versa. Same with all media really.
Thanks for the pop to link up. Posted a real life plunge he took last week…