Below is a link up for you to join, Wordy or Wordless Wednesday. Blogging connects me to so many different people, in unique walks of life, across geographies I’ll never know. Rather than show you food, family or farming today which often are usual topics for me. I thought it was time to show the drive I took tonight home from our son’s baseball game in a nearby town 45 miles away. It’s the geography and drive I take for granted and call home.
We live on the remote North Dakota prairie, surrounded by rich farm land, ranching grasslands and open spaces. I call it the last frontier of tranquility. Before linking up your WW post below, take a deep breath and enjoy a few moments of July evening on the North Dakota prairie.
Where’s your favorite place to go to feel renewed peace and tranquility?
Link up and share your Wordless or Wordy Wednesday post below. It is a blog hop so you can add the code to your blog and please link back to this blog. Someday when I’m a really cool blogging girl I’ll have a snazzy WW button but for now I’m not that cool…or organized.
jtgirlblogs says
Without a doubt my favorite place I go to feel renewed peace and tranquility is on my horse. Preferably in a freshly worked arena, sitting on a hill overlooking a prairie. Beautiful picture!
The Wife of a Dairyman says
For me, this week peace and tranquility is found in Lake Tahoe, near Cave Rock….you guys would love it here! Hope the family is doing well, miss you and loving your praire pics:)
Farmer's Wyfe says
What amazing pictures!! Really so tranquil! Thanks for sharing!!
alicia says
Beautiful countryside! I love how diverse our country is and how there is beauty to be found anywhere. Happy WW!
texwisgirl says
beautiful, rural and peaceful.
Prairie Mother says
what lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing. I love to go anywhere with a new landscape to feel recharged.
Natalie says
That looks like pure country!
Savvy Practicality says
Thank you so much for sharing North Dakota with me. I’m your newest follower so I won’t miss future posts.
Your photos are lovely, but my first thought was ‘OMG, Look at everything you can see.’ I live in the Ozark mountains in Missouri and can’t see 12 feet without spotting a tree. I evny your wide open spaces a little bit. Happy WW!
Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud says
You know, we almost moved to North Dakota last year! I could’ve been living in the last frontier of tranquility. Instead, I’m living in small town Missouri. No complaints here though. We’ve got our own kind of beauty. 🙂
Love the shot of the horses!
By Word of Mouth Musings says
Color me jealous … Boca is a far cry from such beauty!
Katie Heger says
Priceless pictures and I agree so often taken for granted. My favorite place to escape to is my back deck. I can see just about everything I love about ND! If I wasn’t afraid of heights I would climb the grain bin at sunset or rise and get an even better view.
Lisa @ Two Bears Farm says
What beautiful horses. Sigh. 🙂
Anna @ Sometimes On Tuesdays says
Great pictures! It does look very tranquil! Your pics make me miss living in a farm. *Sigh* Maybe someday…….
Nicolette says
These are beautiful! Thanks for hosting. This is my first time joining the hop and adding the code to my blog. Love the idea!
Dagmar says
Sounds and looks like heaven! I don’t know if it would be for me all the time, but I’d love to visit one day and find out 🙂
Dagmar’s momsense
Lisa Mom of 2 Boys says
Wow, that is simply beautiful! I could take a great nap in that field with the horses.
Nancy @ A Rural Journal says
I always enjoy photographs of horses, especially out on the prairie. Beautiful shot. 🙂
Dawn says
Oh so pretty!
My daughter has been “out your way” before…I’m still waiting to visit there. Lovely photo! Don’t you love scenic drives during our mother-drives?:))
Dawn says
Oh so pretty!
My daughter has been “out your way” before…I’m still waiting to visit there. Lovely photo! Don’t you love scenic drives during our mother-drives?:))
Ott, A. says
Looks beautiful. Nothing beats the wide openness of the country. Of course the peace and quiet is hard to beat too.
Creative and Curious Kids! says
Looks so beautiful and peaceful!