Early on the prairie yesterday, Miss E and I were on the deck by 6:30AM. Miss E’s morning vigor is quite inspiring each day. While I sipped my essential morning coffee, E was watering plants in her pajamas. She is our Busy Bits.
After triple watering the herbs and flowers, Busy Bits scooting around the deck until she spotted two deer. I kept sipping my coffee, enjoying sunshine and peaceful morning.
Peaceful until E started yelling “DEER! DEER! Come here!” I am sure you could hear her for miles.
As the deer started to run, E started to try to run in circles as fast as the deer, saying “Watch me hop, hop like the deer!”
When she finished her dash she was disappointed to see the deer far off in the field to the east of us. But quickly moved onto running inside to wake up her sister. I mean it was nearly 7AM? The deer were awake. She was awake. Why shouldn’t the sweet sleeping baby be awake too?
Oh we love our Busy Bits. Deer call and all.
oh bless you, Katie…it takes a special mama to wake up enthusiastically at 6:30 and sit on the porch with her baby!
Oh, my goodness. This cracked me up! They have so much energy so early in the morning. Thank goodness for coffee! It looks like you have a beautiful view from your deck!