She is ON or she is OFF (only when she is sleeping in short increments). She is the girl that in the grocery store that screams at the top of her lungs if she cannot buy fruit snacks. So if she is relatively quiet and well-behaved during our entire grocery store run, which includes not eating produce before paying for it, not poking holes in the bread or shaking yogurt until the cover comes flying off, splattering it all over herself and the aisle, she gets out of the cart and marches to the fruit snack aisle and picks out her box.
A year ago I was the mother that didn’t want my child to even EAT fruit snacks. Artificial flavors, too much sugar, processed and taste like plastic. Surely there could be a better option for our kids. Ha. Now I am just holding out until we can get out of the grocery store before this girl rips open a box of My Little Pony or Dora fruit snacks and trying to make sure she only eats one pack of them instead of all eight in the box.
Yes, life with Miss E is never dull. She is full of love for everyone and everything. Her zest for life is contagious. We already know that with this girl at times it is best to just hang on for the ride.
For the record though she wants you all to know…
she is driving.
Someone once told me that she never criticizes people’s parenting skills until her child is that age, because you might eat your words later. Which now I understand. I might have the best intensions, but sometimes survival and picking your battles wins out. But they will still turn out to be wonderful children.
I have “that” child too! Expect mine is a boy. Love the post, I can totally relate.
I have to remind myself quite often that I am raising a future adult and not focus on the child part. Some of things that make them so challenging as kids are the same things that can make them very successful adults. What a great post!