This winter, a majority of our weekends we won’t be having lounging Saturdays around our house. We won’t be catching up on laundry, scrubbing our floors or dusting. Instead we are basketball fans…
to a boy who loves to play the game. But we live in a small town full of rabid wrestlers and wrestling fans, not a condusive environment for a boy who wants to play basketball nine months out of the year.
So we drive and drive across the prairie and our boy plays with a few former classmates and friends from Fargo.
And we love our basketball playing boy. Last weekend, Hunter and team won their tournament which makes the miles and miles instantly turn into smiles and smiles as we drive home. I would rather be a basketball fan of any kind than catching up laundry and cleaning most any weekend. But being a basketball mom to Hunter is the most fun and rewarding fan I can be.
Hi Kathryn, we can never seem to catch each other on the phone so I am communicating through your blog! Sounds like you guys are doing well. Let me know what Hunters game schedule in, we’d love to come to a game and cheer him on! Karla