Thirty years ago my parents upgraded their home and bought a rambler on cozy and quiet street, Cherry Lynn Drive. A few houses down the street a young family of five lived. They attended our local church. Their daughter was two years older than me and they had twin baby boys just six months younger than me. My mom and their mom Marsha developed a friendship and the daughter,Sara, and I began playing together. My family lived on that quaint street for just six years but lifelong friendship was forged.
Sara and I have experienced as much as we possibly can together and our families have spent countless hours together as well. As young girls on Cherry Lynn Drive, Sara and I dreamed of being mommies together. We played house. We changed our Cabbage Patch dolls’ diapers, set up cribs for them, named them and talked about what we would name our future babies, where we would live and how perfect our life would be.
Much has changed in our dreams since those early years.
But today on Cherry Lynn Drive, Sara and I were mommies together. It was surreal. Our dreams came true, different than we imagined but indeed perfect.
Today my mom and Marsha visited just like old times. Sara and I visited in our sisterly way like always. And our kids love each other as much as we did at the same age. We ate lunch around the Reddig’s kitchen table with three generations of family friends.
Our second visit today was to see our sweet 104 year old Great Aunt Iris.
Elizabeth has been to visit Iris often enough that she remembers Iris, her apartment and is over-the-top friendly. So friendly that she walked right out Iris’s apartment today and greeted her neighbor and then went into “Bev’s” apartment to visit. My mom followed Miss E on her adventure while Anika and I stayed back to visit.
Anika Iris cuddled with Aunt Iris. Every time I take a picture of our kids with Iris I am reminded of the five family generations represented. Iris was my Great-Grandpa Odin’s sister.
E knew that as Iris visited with us she could take full advantage of the limitless cookies and chocolates that Iris served.
And she did just that. She quickly hid the evidence by devouring it.
We had quite a day of visiting!
I just hope our kids will find lifelong friendships just like ours. It was great to see you and the girls today.