This summer we moved what was Nathan’s parents piano from their house to our house. It now sits in my office. Lori and Nathan played a lot of hours on this piano. Both became accomplished musicians. And now it is Hunter’s turn. Yesterday as he practiced he did not want me to take his picture but as he played he did not seem to mind anymore. I love these pictures.
Hunter plays his lesson that he teacher assigns him and then he finishes his practice time by just playing his own original, made up piece of music. Whether he will admit it or not, he loves playing piano.
While Hunter practiced, Anika had some kick time on the floor. Look at that cute chub on her legs! Oh I love love love this sweet baby girl. She is so cuddly and sweet.
I need to keep Elizabeth occupied while I make supper. Most evenings she “helps” me cook. It leads to some creative play time! She zones out into her own world and lets me do my thing while she works away on her creation. Last night, it involved dry rice, pasta and empty cans.
Last night while Elissa was helping me cook, Nathan was outside finishing up some yard work and Hunter finished playing piano. He offered to hold Anika. I said they could go downstairs and check football scores but instead he wanted to play Xbox.
We are not a video game family. Yes that means there is no Playstation, Wii, Xbox 360 in our home. Hunter is sure we are suffering because of this lack of gaming. Somehow Nathan and I both survived childhood with out Atari’s. Hunter will surely survive. And he reads and plays outside like kids should do rather than occupy their time with video games. Yes I am an “old school” mother. And my husband is an “old school” father.
I remind Hunter that my family was the last family in all of North Dakota I am sure to get a VCR or an answering machine. Families may have had DVD players before my parents bought a VCR. We watched videos at my dad’s office in his conference room as young children. Seriously. I did survive. My forever friend Sara will remember my family’s lack advanced technology as she loved teasing me about it as a kid!
However, the gaming situation has changed slightly in our home. Hunter was given a used Xbox as a gift but never played it. Until recently when I found sports related Xbox games at my favorite coffee shop consignment shop. Because this is an “old” Xbox evidently other familes are done using their games as they have advanced onto bigger and better gaming systems. Bonus for Hunter. He now has games to play! Hunter played fifteen minutes of Xbox and when I came downstairs he said, “Mom, this takes serious talent to play Xbox, hold a baby and put her to sleep while playing!” Indeed, playing Xbox put Anika right to sleep. That’s my girl. No gaming for her. And Hunter’s gaming is l-i-m-i-t-e-d but he is pleased.
Loved these photos! The light in that office/piano… Loved these photos! The light in that office/piano room is so calming and Hunter looks like he is relaxed and enjoying it. Love the picture above the piano and the vase with the dried flowers!! You are quite a decorator!!
And your baby girl and busy big girl- these are priceless photos!! Love your blog, Katie!!
Hi Katie- the previous post was from your Auntie R…