Miss E has not had trouble adjusting to life as a big sister. She just wants to make sure she is first to do something. Her latest word is just that…”fuhst” as in “first”. She proclaims to Anika, “No no! Mine fuhst!” and proceeds to take over. She gets the first turn at anything. Always. If we let her. The first above picture is NOT a bottle of Anika’s. It is E’s travel baby’s bottle and she is pretending to be a baby in Anika’s infant seat.
Tonight Nathan is at a meeting and I was doing bath and bed time routine solo which normally is an evening routing of Nathan’s. Hunter finished his homework and then came into the bathroom and was great helper to me. Elissa told us “my bath fuhst” “my num num (as in a snack!) fuhst” “my blankie fuhst”, “my bed fuhst”, “my ehnie (Ernie) book fuhst”. All translate into she wants to be number one and first. Of course she says it with a sparkle and smile but we will keep working on the concept of taking turns and sharing!
Thankfully this girl is cool and calm. And Anika is too young…yet…too even know the difference between a bossy big sister and a sharing sister. She just finds her big sister to be extremely entertaining!
The Boppy bouncer is Anika’s main resting place. She sleeps best in it and Elissa does not want to miss out on any action. She tried taking a nap in it herself. It latest long enough for her to turn on the sound and vibrating buttons.
And quickly she realized getting into the bouncer “fuhst” was not all that exciting.
The first trick Elissa is teaching Anika is “knuckles”. A trick E learned from her big brother.
Anika will have many of her own firsts in her lifetime. We will make sure of it. And her big sister will undoubtedly be watching alongside her. And hopefully not yelling “No no! Mine fuhst!”. At least not too loud.
Oh this is just so funny. Elissa and Anika remind me of two other sisters…. 🙂 So cute though!!!