Last night we attended a community picnic that celebrated our locally owned bank’s 100th year in business. Definitely something to celebrate! In this time of global financial upheaval, it is reassuring to live down the road from the owner of the bank whose door is always open and supports our community and area. Despite good credit, a two income family, money saved and a family owned lumber yard, we needed the 100% support of our local bank to build our home. Investing in rural America is something our family strongly believes in and lives every day. It was fun to see our bank and local community celebrating with an old-fashioned picnic, complete with German polka music in the background. Our bank has invested in our rural area for a century and continue to despite the financial and economic pressures. We are grateful for our rural area’s strong economy and little business community that is thriving.
With out getting overly political, I must mention that late this afternoon, Senator Kent Conrad is coming to our little town to speak on health care. My husband has been asked to be on a panel that will ask the Senator questions. Nathan will also briefly comment on his perspective as a young local business owner. With his previous career in pharmaceutical sales and management plus a sister and a few of his closest friends as doctors, Nathan has a solid background and understanding of the health care system in our country. He will offer great feedback to Senator Conrad. I have promised to keep my mouth shut and will not be protesting. Actually, I am not even attending that way I will guarantee to keep my mouth shut! I have never politically protested but I am a motivated voter with strong opinions. I am sure you are shocked by that statement.
You have not been listening to the news AT ALL lately if you do not know these meetings around the country have been creating havoc for politicians and stirring up strong emotions on either side of the health care issues for millions of Americans. Interestingly, I have not heard of any local mention or promotion of this meeting today but it is open to the public. Maybe they keep these things from me so I do not show up and share my opinions. Enough ramble for now.

During Miss E’s wild pajama play time, we all watched. Our other two children were relaxed in a recliner. Hunter and Anika are buddies.
Hunter has all sorts of faces and tricks he does with Anika and can make her smile more than anyone!
Pajama play time included E pretending to call her favorite phone mate, Mayme (my mom), who had left earlier in the afternoon after a quick visit. (Mayme went with us to Bismarck on Monday for doctors appointments and helped me manage my errands with the kids. It was a huge help.)

Anika slept from 10PM last night to 4AM this morning. Hunter was a great sleeper and still is. He can sleep through anything, except may be his little sister jumping on his bed, shouting “Up NOW Hunter!” Elizabeth was no where near any type of a sleepy baby and has slowly improved with age. Anika is a dream baby. She is a superb sleeper and content baby girl. Now I need to go to bed earlier and not wake up on my own at 3AM when Anika previously had been feeding. Her large volumes of spitting up/ vomiting has slowly decreased but we still cannot bring ourselves to put her on her back over night in the crib. She sleeps peacefully in her Boppy bouncer seat next to our bed. Or anywhere I move her to throughout the day!
The moment I took a picture of Anika, Elizabeth announced to Hunter she had “ick” in her diaper. She is very close to being potty trained but still is learning timing. She makes it to the toilet now about 50-75% of the time. It depends on the day. Certain days, she is more focused and motivated than others but I am not pushing it because of her young age. We set her on the toilet and she gets two jelly beans if she goes potty or “ick” and none if she doesn’t. Her favorite saying is “Yeah I did!” whether she went or not. She also find great joy in flushing the toilet. Simple life joys of a 20 month old girl. Flushing the toilet. If all continues to go well, E can start wearing some exciting underwear in a few months or sooner. Hopefully little girls underwear makers of the world make some with Ernie or Elmo on them because that would be the most exciting to Elizabeth. She has Ernie, Big Bird, Elmo or “Hookie” (Cookie Monster) on her diapers now and who is on her diaper is always a talking point with her. You might be able to tell…Elizabeth has a lot of talking points kinda like her daddy will have for the Senator today! And her mommy will keep her talking points to herself.

Katie–Thank you so much for your kind comments about the bank. Much appreciated. Glad you enjoyed the picnic…it was fun to see you and your family!!