Nathan’s parents brought over his baby book. I turned to the first page and was wowed. It is amazing. Anika looks identical to what her Daddy looked like at the same age.
First snuggles with Auntie Kirsti
Anika loves the Boppy bouncer…it is her preferred place for sleeping and she also loves her nuk or “soothie” that she got at the hospital.
Anika is a snuggly sweet girl.
Big brother and sister arrived home yesterday with Mama Jane. Having our complete family at home together is fulfilling and wonderful. For next few months I will enjoy our wonderful life as a stay at home mom…with plenty of help from my mom who staying with us now and continued “meals on wheels” as Nathan says when his mom pulls up into our driveway.
Elissa showing off her new toddler bed to Anika. E loves it when her sister is wearing “Pooh” which is a little Winnie the Pooh hat that Auntie Holly bought for Elissa when she was a newborn.
There is a strong bond already between Anika and Hunter.
Elissa is quite impressed with “Mama’s baby” and she is working on saying “Anika”. For those of you interested in pronouncing the name it is “Ahnaka”. Elissa does quite well with it as it does not have “r’s” or “l’s” which are her hang up in pronouncing words. (The reason Lori sounds more like “yo-yo”!) . Elissa is learning to share my lap by crawling up into it. I cannot lift her due to my c-section. Sharing is not so bad with her younger sister.

These pictures are precious! I love it and hope you are recovering quickly!
Oh, Katie! She is just as sweet as she can be! Congrats!!