I have been perusing baby name lists, searching for that perfect boys name. You might remember Hunter declared he wants a brother named Drew and he plans to name his future two sons, Micah and Isaac so we are not allowed to use those two names. We have an opinionated son. Yes I know where that comes from…
Boys names are difficult because all of our favorite names are already used by many family members and friends. So…my husband laughs at me but I search through this list many times. While I will pay into our Social Security system my entire working life and probably never receive a dime in Social Security payments when I am 62, 65, 67 years old and beyond, at least they are helping me out with baby names. I have searched other web sites and find it laugh out loud funny at the names listed. Such as Nimrod. I know it is Hebrew, from the Bible but really? Can you imagine? Nimrod. I thought it was hilarious. And if your name is Nimrod (not you Robbie that is just what I call you sometimes) I am sorry to offend you. When our baby does arrive in a few weeks, if we do have a baby boy, you all will be surprised at his name since we do not know what it would be right now. But it won’t be Nimrod.
1. a descendant of Ham represented in Genesis as a mighty hunter and king of Shinar. 2. not capitalized: a hunter.
This was the word of the day on my calendar last Saturday and led to a long dinner conversation.
Obviously this name goes well with Hunter! 🙂