I spent a decade of my life as a track and field athlete and then a couple years coaching. I will forever be a track and field junkie. Today I was reminded of the reality of spring track and field in North Dakota. Yesterday it was sunny and 70 degrees with a slight breeze. Today it was 43 degrees when we arrived at Hunter’s 5th grade track meet and 40 degrees when we left. And windy. And raining. I brought Miss E’s snow suit out of retirement for the event. Regardless Hunter was all smiles in the cold, wind and rain. At breakfast this morning he said “Mom are you going to run on the inside of the track and yell at me?” Ahh he knows me well. It is cheering I do, not yelling. I said “Hunter you have no control of your mother at a track meet.” But of course I remained calm, didn’t embarrass the boy (or family members) and loved being a true North Dakota track mom in the cold, wind and rain.

(I love the kid in jeans!)

Regardless, it was classic North Dakota track today.
Hunter—what great form!!!