After a high temperature of 82 degrees yesterday, we all felt alive and revived. Nathan and I had lunch on the porch. Miss E and I played at the park while Hunter shot baskets. Our frozen tundra was indeed thawing, greening up and summer is on its way or so we dreamed. I even received two boxes from Gurney’s this week of items to begin planting my flower garden.
But then today this happened…
Sometimes you just have to laugh at this weather. Thankfully it is warm enough that the couple inches of snow we received is now melted. But really I don’t want any more white stuff until after Thanksgiving when we put our Christmas tree. The birds around our yard and house were flocked together chirping, honking and quacking from the sky not sure what to do! Elissa now looks at all birds and calls them “geese” and tries to “talk” to them by making her own version of tweeting or quacking sounds. She waves her arms like wings. And if the sky is blue is looks at it and says “wa wa” (for water).

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