Boys like to build forts. Even 11 year old big boys. Snow forts are most common in the winter. Tree forts in the summer. Indoor forts work too. Last weekend Hunter gathered up quilts and blankets and random chairs and built a fort in his room–and SLEPT in it overnight. Because that is what boys do. Sleep on hard flooring in their fort, rather than sleep in their comfy bed less than two feet away from them.
How fun! it really looks like your kids are kids! I love it! too many parents these days dont let them have any fun! I am looking forward to the picts of the “trouble” they will get in this summer with all the land!
How fun! it really looks like your kids are kids! I love it! too many parents these days dont let them have any fun! I am looking forward to the picts of the “trouble” they will get in this summer with all the land!
Oh how I loved my fort-building days. Wouldn’t want to sleep on Hunter’s floor though. My joints hurt thinking about it.
How fun! it really looks like your kids are kids! I love it! too many parents these days dont let them have any fun! I am looking forward to the picts of the “trouble” they will get in this summer with all the land!
How fun! it really looks like your kids are kids! I love it! too many parents these days dont let them have any fun! I am looking forward to the picts of the “trouble” they will get in this summer with all the land!