Playing in Mom’s office
A visit to the Fargo office…Grandpa Fred came to pick up his favorite granddaughter so he and Mama Jane could play with her. Friend and co-worker Carina (above) along with many others passed Elissa around the office for some hugs.
Learning to read! Okay maybe not yet…just checking it out to see if it tastes better than her fists.
Big girl in the new exersaucer from her friend Emerson who out grew it and now shared it with Elissa!
Despite the fun and exciting new toy…the fists are still the most entertaining.
Elissa says “Oh my!”
Discovering new tricks
Early morning and ready for the first day of day care this past Monday. Elizabeth splits her days between a few days at Ora’s day care and a couple days with Grandma Carol. Lots of attention and play time!
Uncle Joe teaching Elizabeth to watch his favorite show American Idol. So much for not letting her watch television! The pink sweater is a former baby sweater of mine. Considering my mom is NOT a saver of much…it is fun to have a few things that we can still use and not look like she is a hippy baby wearing clothes from the 70’s!
We intended to have photos to post this week of Hunter’s home wrestling meet. He has wrestled now in three meets. I resisted the first two of taking pictures but this week I was armed and ready with the camera. Win or lose I was going to get some good pics–or so I thought. Hunter pulled off his first win so quickly I couldn’t get from the bleachers to the mat in time to take pictures! He pinned his opponent in ten seconds. It was a great win of confidence for Hunter in his new sport. I’ll try again at the next meet and maybe then we’ll have wrestling pictures to post.
Sarah says
Wow! way to go Hunter! Cute pics! She’s getting so big!!