I have never seen him anything but Wrangler jeans with the occasional suit.
From The Pinke Post |
I was at the men’s store when he bought the above new suit for our wedding. It was seven years ago. My grandma looked at him and said, “This is probably the last suit you will buy.” Grandpa smiled in the mirror and said, “Yes you can bury me in this suit.”
Thankfully, Grandpa and Grandma are still living healthy and full lives! They grew up on the same road, attended the same one room schoolhouse with their parents as friends. They have been married since 1951.
What makes Grandpa Sonny so great and unusual in this day and age?
He is passionate for his family. He is as loyal as the day is long. He stands behind you, supports you and holds you accountable. He beams with pride, rarely scolds but teaches discipline by example. He worked unselfishly for decades to be successful not for himself, but for his family. My grandma and he made education a priority and worked to help pay for all of their children’s college education. They did not go on vacations or drive fancy cars. They put their family first always and extras were not always there.
Grandpa is a World War II veteran, educated with a college degree from North Dakota State University and a lifelong farmer. He loves his country, his fields and his cows as much as he loves his family.
The fields our family farms today have been farmed since my grandpa’s grandpa broke ground in the 1880’s when he immigrated from Norway. Today my mom and dad farm that land. And Grandpa is there to work and help anytime. Grandpa has treated and loved my dad like his own son, whose dad died when he was 27 years old. Grandpa and Grandma have five children of their own. I was the first grandchild and only for many years. Today they have 10 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.
Photo credit Janice Person |
We visit often at the farm. Grandpa is proud to live in the house his dad built in 1919, where Grandpa was born and where generations of our family have lived.
Sparkle you should – what an amazing man and a happy 88th to him!!!
Happy Birthday to your Grandpa!
What a beautifully written tribute to honor your grandpa. Happy 88th Birthday Sonny!