Just over a month ago I visited the 9/11 Memorial. You can read about my visit and why I think every American should visit if given the opportunity. Today I pause to honor the 2,985 lives lost 11 years ago today on American soil. Every life had a story that impacted families forever.
This past weekend, my husband and I watched a 9/11 documentary that recaptures the details, timing, stories, interviews with survivors and live footage captured on 9/11/01. All the emotion came back for me that I felt when I visited the 9/11 Memorial.
I thought about would I have physically jumped to my death from a World Trade Center building rather than burn with the inferno? Over 200 people did.
Would I have been brave enough to join the efforts to take over the terrorists on United Flight 93? Could I have talked to my husband on my cell phone and stayed calm, knowing I could or would not ever see him or children again? Many did and 40 passengers fought four terrorists with one passenger already deceased to avoid that plane ending up in the Capitol in Washington D.C.
None of us can change the past. We only have today.
Today I honor memories. I am inspired by bravery. And I know we must move forward.
Thank you, Katie!
Katie, I wondered the same thing you did. I often wonder what would I have done? To think what choice did they have? Either burn,jump,or moments later be crushed to death in a crumbling building. How scary it must have been for all of them and their families to even have to make those choices. I cry every time another September 11 th approaches. Those memories will always haunt me.