Or you can pull yourself up, often aching and hurting, to choose to keep going.
Getting back up is often not the easiest of choices. But often we are stronger. And often there is a greater purpose for us in our future that we cannot see unless we keep going.
Not everyone has the choice to keep going. As Billy Ray Cyrus coined, “All gave some and some gave all…”
But for those of us that do have the abilities and freedoms to keep going, we are given second chances again and again.
Sometimes to keep going it takes some new scenery and a whole new ball game.
To keep going, it won’t always be pretty but it will get you to where you need to be, to do the next thing, to keep going.
And once again you’ll be sticking to those that you trust, going strong, defending and…
TexWisGirl says
i’ve noticed your visits have been fewer and further between. but i know how incredibly busy you are, too. and glad you are ‘present’ in your life. 🙂
Lisa @ Two Bears Farm says
Indeed, laundry never quits. There are certainly worse chores though.
It’s painful to learn, but those are the lessons that make you stronger and help you improve.
The Wife of a Dairyman says
I, for one have noticed and I know some of what you’re feeling as well. Blogging less has been in the back of my mind as well….we’ll see if it happens:) I miss you, my friend.
Buttons says
Oh I love your words matched with the pictures perfectly.Awesome action shots. B
Michelle says
Better to be present in your daily life! I usually comment/work on my blog later at night when the kids are winding down from the day! I totally understand.