After ten years of having a one and only boy, we are now in the depths of continuing to raise our soon-to-be teenage aged boy while raising two young girls. Needless to say two little girls has tripled the number of pink loads of laundry I do and another change is that we have a lot of hair bows around the house.
The girls are both in stages of life that they don’t love hair bows.
Anika will pull just about anything out of her hair these days by mid-morning. Elizabeth just doesn’t like her hair combed or brushed but wants long hair. She tolerates hair bows.
But I love hair bows, not for me but for our little girls.
First they are adorably cute. Secondly they coordinate with outfits. Thirdly and most practical they keep the girls hair manageable.
The other day we had a special delivery arrival addressed for Miss Elizabeth and Anika.
It was a shoe box full of custom made barrettes and hair bows.
Every color with little details like flowers or animals or airplanes on them.
The hair bows were organized on ribbons to hang on the girls’ bedroom walls.
Once Elissa discovered her favorite part of the delivery was not the hair bows but instead the bubble wrap,
Anika was able to enjoy her share of the hair bows too. She tasted them as well as allowed an orange bow in her hair that she didn’t rip out and eat.
You are dying to know where to order these custom hair bows? Can I direct you to a web site so you can order a shoe box full of bows? I cannot. Not until my mother goes into business. But you could hop over to her blog and tell her to write a book or a blog about it.
Thank you Mom for this wonderful surprise for the girls (and me.)
On a different note, I saw this blog post about a cleaning check list at Mama Pike’s. I think I am going to print if off as my check list. I once cleaned 52 bathrooms a day as a teenager working at our small town nursing home. Now I can’t keep 4 bathrooms clean. It has something to do motherhood and a career that limits my cleaning time. I do have a local cleaning lady help me every few weeks but I think Mama Pike’s check list may keep me on task on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. At least I will try.
Oh, I LOVE hair bows! And big, bright flower clips too! I am making the most of my time with bows since I am sure that my independent six year old is only going to tolerate them for so long. 🙂 I learned how to make corker bows because I didn’t want to pay for them. Lauren always thinks it’s funny when I bake them in the oven. 🙂