I am not home to celebrate with Nathan today, rather in Calgary for business meetings. Yesterday afternoon after not having my luggage for a day and two long days of training meetings (I am learning all about social media!!! More later.) I got back to my hotel room for a quick hour before leaving for dinner with colleagues. In my room I found a beautiful bouquet of roses from my forever romantic and thoughtful husband. Roses delivered to the Holiday Inn in Calgary? I was impressed. Managing his end of the month work while juggling two kids under the age of two and a 6th grade son is enough to keep Nathan over the top consumed and busy this week but thinking of me and our wedding anniversary was touching. I am smiling from ear to ear. My dimples hurt from smiling so much.
I went through seven USB drives looking for our wedding pictures to post in honor of this day. But I am at a loss! Instead above is a picture that will keep my smile going today. I took it just before church on Sunday morning. Smiling husband with happy kids!
Here is to 60 more years at least of wedded bliss…less whirlwind but I have no doubt they will continue to be exciting, fun and rewarding. The most rewarding job I have is being a mommy to my kids and wife to Nathan. That is even more blaringly obvious to me from the Holiday Inn in Calgary!
Happy Anniversary!!!