Anika, 2 months old
Anika, two days old and her first picture with “hop hop” on July 3, 2009, the day we left the hospital.
Anika Iris Kathryn is two months old today. Tomorrow we will report her two month statistics as we have her two month doctors appointment…and immunizations with her pediatrician. She seems to be not as heavy than the other two kids did at this age but definitely is long. The pajamas she was wearing this morning in the above picture are size 3-6 months! Her 3 month sized sleepers are getting too short and she cannot straighten her legs in them. When Anika was born, Nathan bought a pink bunny for her and the plan was and still is for me to take her picture next to it on the first of each month. Of course that did not happen on August 1st as we were busy at the farm. But from now on I will remember to do this post, the first post of the month! I am sure the bunny will be worn out by Anika’s first birthday. Elizabeth calls it “hop hop” and she hauls “hop hop” around in her doll stroller. I even wiped off a food stain on “hop hop” before taking the above picture. Anika will definitely learn about sharing at a young age because her sister really seems like to her things. I said the other day “if all babies were as good as Anika, I would have ten children but my husband would never let me!” Ten children is not the plan for our family. Although my friend told me today that the Duggar family featured on a television show on TLC are expecting their 19th child. Obviously they must have good babies like Anika and just want to keep having babies! And they might also be off their rocker.
I am sure Anika could win the best baby ever contest. We will pretend that there is one and she is the winner of it. She eats and sleeps wonderfully well and now smiles thoroughout the day at us. Today when her daddy came home for lunch she had a big grin for him. The only time she fusses is when she has a burp or some gas that needs to come out, if it is too light when she wants to fall asleep or if she is looking for her nuk. These few things are easily fixed and she spends a majority of her time content and sweet as can be. After Hunter gets home from school and basketball practice, he rocks Anika and she snuggles up next to him. Elizabeth would be holding and giving her kisses all day too if we would let her!
Today Anika and I are home alone. E goes to Lori’s daycare on Tuesdays until I go back to work in October and then the daycare schedule will become hectic! I am going to work four days a week but there is not one daycare that can take both girls right now. So we will be doing daycare fruit basket upset for awhile between two daycares and Gma Carol’s house. For now though, Tuesdays are E’s day out of the house to play with all her friends and she anxiously awaits going to “Yori’s haows”. Although she shouted “Me hool too! Me hool too!” as we dropped Hunter off at school and we tried to explain she has to be five years old to go to Hunter’s school. We showed her five fingers. I am sure it did not sink in and she will want to be back at Hunter’s school tomorrow. Hunter is busy at school, beginning piano lessons again, getting his lip back into shape to play trumpet and talking about football–mainly our local high school team or about Brett Favre and the MN Vikings. Nathan has a computer technician from Texas alongside him this week at the lumberyard as they are implementing a new inventory and accounting software system. It has been months of work for Nathan and this is the big week to get everything ready to go “live” with it. Just to complicate things a tiny bit with his very busy week, Nathan came down with stomach flu on Sunday and then I had it. We both have been fighting through it and hopefully are both on the mend. We are too busy with life to have a little flu bug get us down for long.
For my blogger friends…where is the spell check button on the updated blog template? There are new fancy features. But I do not have time to edit and need at least spell check. Please advise if you know.
I think my Luke might be some competition for the best baby contest! He is so easy going too…and yes it makes me want to have 10 kids, but Alex won’t let me either. Okay, maybe just one more, not ten! Great update! Take care!
Jen Starcevic
Love the update! You are definitely busy!!! Keep up the updates and hope to see you next time I’m in the office. Bring all the kiddos too! (wink.)