Yesterday, Elissa, Anika and I drove to visit Nevaeh and her mommy Sami. The moms got to visit. The girls played and did their share of very supervised baby holding. Nevaeh is going to become a big sister this winter so she was practicing. Look at how quickly these girls have grown…from when Miss E was four weeks old. Tomorrow Anika will be four weeks old! On Sunday afternoon, Nevaeh was at my parent’s house to play with Elissa also and hold Anika. Nevaeh’s parents Mark and Sami plus my newlywed cousin Scott and his wife Elizabeth, my grandparents, Uncle Jim, my siblings, Kirsti’s fiancee Mike, my parents plus Nathan, Elissa, Anika and me all had a BBQ together. (We really missed Hunter!) Burgers on the grill, homemade baked beans, potato salad, my mom’s homemade mac and cheese, watermelon, fresh raspberry cake plus a lot of visiting, kid watching and baby holding.
Nevaeh has some muscles to be pushing around Elissa.
Just as we were leaving Mark and Sami’s house last night to drive back to the farm, Elissa discovered Nevaeh’s pink Jeep in the garage and was sure she needed that and did not want to leave. There might need to be a pink motorized vehicle in E’s future.
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