Today the 5th and 6th graders from Hunter’s school had a bus trip for Marketplace For Kids. It is a hands-on, classroom career fair for kids. A great program. I was a chaperone with a few other moms along with the teachers. After we headed to the zoo which we pretty much had to ourselves. I took one picture of Jacob, Joel and Hunter. Then Hunter got excited when he saw the tiger display. He took over my camera, ran around the zoo as a photographer while I wandered around on my phone, listening in to a conference call. Yes conducting business from the zoo. And from the bus. It was a fun day for the kids. And even at 30 weeks pregnant I didn’t mind the long bus ride. Walking into school this morning Hunter was not excited to have his mother as a chaperone. Tonight he said “Mom it was cool and fun having you there today”. That is a major compliment from the boy and it made my conference call from the zoo totally worth it! 

I am so impressed with Hunter’s photos!!! I wonder where he got such natural picture taking talent? What a wonderful boy.
Ok…you’re 30 weeks pregnant???!! What!!! That is going by so fast…for me at least! And, I felt like a celebrity today when MckMama commented on my blog…so funny!!!!