Tonight our family has a few prayer requests…
1. Hunter’s teacher Mrs. Christensen was taken by ambulance today to Bismarck due to signs she was having a stroke. We have no updates since that time. She was officially told just a couple months ago she was in remission after battling breast cancer. Please pray for her tonight.
2. I have commented before a few times about MckMama and her blog. A friend of mine went to college with her. Her baby Stellan is in trouble now with heart problems.
3. My friend Sara Hale’s baby Townes is preparing for surgery this week and it will happen early next week. Please keep Townes, the Hale family and the medical team in your prayers.
4. Last but certainly not least…the entire state of North Dakota is in a flood warning and there is a blizzard coming our way. Small towns, homes, farms, livestock are being overtaken by rising creeks and springs all of which flow into the rising Missouri River. Our local highways and country roads have water flowing over them. Many school districts are closed and our local school buses could not leave town today and farm kids are staying at their storm homes tonight. This is unheard of in our part of the “dry” part of the state. Plus in the eastern Red River Valley, Fargo is fighting what looks to be a record crest later this week. For those of us who went through the Flood of 1997 in Grand Forks, floods churn up a slew of emotions from the past.
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