Elissa reflects on her first banana split…
My mommy is a stickler when it comes letting me have sweets or dessert. Most of the time, we all eat fruit or something healthy. When the rest of the family does get dessert, my treat is a graham cracker or two. But tonight…Mommy made banana splits. Must have been one of Mommy’s many “cravings” these days. Regardless, it paid off for me. I got my first BANANA SPLIT. You can see me in the above picture taking it all in…chomping on a maraschino cherry. 

Oh so cute. The best photo is her crying after Nathan grabbing it. Such a strong personality–wonder where that comes from! 🙂 So I am thinking of coming for a visit on Saturday. Will you be busy? I’ll call later in the week to let you know if it will work.