First, thank you for praying for Baby Townes. Please continue to pray. You can follow his on-going story and progress on his Caring Bridge web site.
One year ago today we took Elizabeth for her one week check up. Today we took Elizabeth to her one year check up. While it was my intention that I would post pictures then and now. We had to be out the door by 7AM this morning (the joys of living 100 miles from your pediatrician)and the camera was left behind in the scurry. I was side tracked by our dear daughter throwing up her milk from coughing so hard and then filling her diaper all as we were trying to leave. Her lungs are clear and all is well. We have some medicine and she will be better soon. We have a local small hospital and clinic that she had already been to for her cough. Thankfully our pediatrician agreed with every thing the local doctor had prescribed. Gives us good faith in rural medicine. One year ago today, she was 20″ in length and today she was 31″ in length. A year ago, she weighed 8.8 lbs. and today despite her significant weight loss over the past week of being sick she weighed in at 24 lbs. The pictures from a year ago are here
It’s definitely fun to look back and reflect.
Tonight I had my second book club event at our house. We are reading Raising Kids For True Greatness by Dr. Tim Kimmel. It is a community wide group with all of our local churches represented. We have a wide variety of mothers attending. It is awesome. My friend Katie LaBree is leading the group. She is in graduate school for Christian counseling and does an excellent job prying answers from us. I am excited to see what becomes of our little book club. Great things are in store. In the meantime, I am hosting a baby shower for Katie LaBree on Saturday morning. A brunch. I hope my egg bake turns out yummy! These ladies of rural parts can out cook me most days so I need to perform. Otherwise we will all eat my mother in law’s muffins and some fresh fruit.
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