Miracles do happen. Thanks to the power of prayer. God is good. My friend Sarah G-K put me in touch with this blog months ago. MckMama is an acquaintance friend of hers from college. I have been following it avidly since earlier this summer. Me and thousands of others.
In other news of the day…our baby girl is running a fever tonight and we are going to the doctor first thing in the AM. We know she has the bug from her little friend at day care which requires antibiotics. But…again…back to the news of the day…drum roll…Elizabeth took her first real steps on her own today. Her first steps were in the living room at my friend Brenda’s house. I brought her home and she practically walked across the room for her brother. When her daddy got home though she was not feeling so well and he didn’t get to see the full walking performace. Hopefully she will be well enough to be a monkey tomorrow night!
Tonight Hunter and I carved pumpkins and roasted pumpkin seeds. Actually we fried them in butter and salted them. Yummy.
I am excited to see some video.
Cute! Yeah Elizabeth!
Yea, can you believe that baby is just fine??? So exciting! Just amazing!