She is quite the gal. Full of personality. She “sings” and makes sure we all know she is present–at all times. I just do not where she gets that from…
Her blue eyes sparkle. And we love her gimpy crawl. She goes so fast dragging one leg behind that we don’t think she’ll ever crawl the traditional style. She says “uh oh” whenever anything falls, drops or makes a mess. And if she is not in agreement (like when her daddy tried to give her a bottle and get her to go back to sleep at 5:30AM a few days ago) she says “no no no”. Always three times. When she is pleased she says “Dat U”…which of course is THANK YOU.
The greatest accomplishment in the last month is…sleep. Elizabeth has finally decided that sleeping through the night is a good idea for her…and for her parents. Now the absolute latest she has ever slept in happened two days ago…6:16AM but continous sleep for all of us until 6AM is a beautiful thing.
Snotty nosed, spunky, full of sass–and standing. Not walking yet. But standing solo.
So big!
(This is why I use Oxi spray and then Biz with all laundry)
Brother Hunter is always getting Elissa to do her “tricks”.
When your tummy hangs over the top of your pants…it creates a great storage spot for a snack for later.
Oh, I can’t believe she says thank you already!
Happy 10 months Miss Elissa! Now you just need to perfect your pronunciation of “Auntie” for me and Auntie Lori!