I live 100 miles from a shopping mall but I buy most anything I can locally in our small town of 1000 people. Like my Rock and Roll Cowgirl jeans at the local Western Shop. Or I drive 27 miles to our neighboring town to my favorite consignment shop, Nita’s Attic, sometimes to purchase but this winter it was to purge. It is where I took nine bags and boxes of clothes from my closet.
Most of the clothes still fit. Some don’t. They are tight in the stomach and hips. And a few pieces are even too big. That’s what happens when you swing between a 60 pound weight decrease or increase and have four sizes of clothes. I needed a purge and fresh start in my closet and how I present myself. I rid myself of favorites and clothes that had served me in my career over the past years but that needed a new home now.
My life has changed over the past 15 months as I have transitioned from full-time work, five days a week business suit or dresses attire to at-home work from home mom life. I know how it is tempting to wear jeans and a t-shirt or my favorite, stretchy yoga pants and a baggy hooded sweatshirt everyday. With wool socks nine months of the year on the prairie. Which the Western Shop also sells.
If I can’t buy something locally within close driving distance, I purchase online from Amazon to Zappos. But clothes shopping takes time and time I cannot take right now to find a style and put together a outfit. My past online shopping has more of a quick search and click to purchase. Or the famous leave it in a cart online and never decide to buy. Then the item haunts me in ads on Facebook.
Because of this lack of clothes shopping time or commitment maybe it is, I was well on my way to pulling off that yoga pants and wool socks look every day at home this past winter until I discovered StitchFix, an online personalized styling service.
I received a referral link from a fellow blogger. I checked it out, hesitant and unsure this could possibly work with my difficult shopping parameters. I’m not 5’4″ and a size 6. Lucky you if you are. I never have been. I gave it a try anyway.
I filled out answers to oodles of questions from how I want clothes to fit on my body type to looks and styles I dislike or like. When you fill it out, you can add notes and specifics. I added things like: I need 35″ inseam in pants. I prefer long over short. I carry unwanted weight in my middle. My shoulders are broad. My legs are long. I need casual chic, fashion forward attire that brings flexibility to my wardrobe. Sometimes I go to a meeting that I need to dress up for and sometimes I’m in a farm field and sometimes I’m in bleachers at a game. And sometimes I’m on the floor of our basement doing preschool with our sweet four-year-old. That’s a life I love and live and it doesn’t include business suits anymore.
It was time for a fresh start. Could StitchFix be a part of refreshing my wardrobe?
I set budget parameters. I planned. I even detailed in my first “Fix” that I needed shorts for a DisneyWorld vacation.
For three months, one box has arrived each month to my husband’s business office in town and he brings it home. Because when you build a house in a hayfield the UPS driver doesn’t find it. Ever. Because the address never exists in the system. Ever.
My husband is now is excited to see my “fix” each month. In it are five new pieces. On your StitchFix profile, you can even say what pieces you want more of or less of or not at all along with budget ranges. I need tops. Less but cheap accessories when they do send them. Pants sometimes. A dress once in a while.
I have always wanted a personal shopper. But I didn’t live near a big mall or major department store. And I never thought I had the budget for it. But StitchFix has proved me wrong. And while I don’t like sharing oodles of pictures of myself as I think it looks like a self-focused, slightly dramatic, attention seeking, slightly insecure blogging woman, I am about to break those barriers I set and show you photos of me in my StitchFix clothes in an array of locations and activities. They have proved to be flexible as I requested!
From an adorable dress in Disney World…I mean the princesses took center stage but my dress was perfect for the day and my style. Maybe another time I will go for Elsa or Sophia like our girls were going for that day. This dress is a Medium in size. It is more snug than I would have bought for myself but it fits and looks great. It is also a print I wouldn’t have picked out on my own. I attended The Leading Ladies Luncheon in Bismarck, North Dakota with my sister-in-law, Jenn. The jacket, top and necklace are all StitchFix. I never buy green. And now I love it.
But I do buy pink and this pink top was another perfect Disney vacation outfit. Pink is my favorite color. And it’s not just because I married a guy with the last name of PINKE. That’s a bonus.
In my first fix, there was a pair of shorts. Green shorts and Bermuda length. And the brand was nothing I had worn before but since then I have bought a pair of jeans from the same brand. And I love the shorts! It’s the first pair of shorts I have bought in probably in three years. Thanks to Laila the StitchFix stylist for this find.
Each fix also comes with picture cards on how to wear the pieces and different styles to pair the piece with which is what I need. I literally need to SEE how to expand my options on a piece. StitchFix does that for me, all in the comforts and ease of my own home.
I have two pink tops now from StitchFix. The most recent one I wore to a baby shower hosted by my sister on a ranch in western North Dakota for a friend. My sister always has style. And I had some thanks to my new top. That green jacket has put in miles this spring, like when my prairie mama friend Val and I went on a road trip to a political convention. Because that is what prairie mamas do to share our voice. At least we do. And you should too.
Now the greatest challenge in my wardrobe are jeans to fit me. That’s why I love stretchy yoga pants so much. I’m a 35-year-old mom. I don’t want to look like a 35-year-old mom trying to wear 21-year-old girl jeans. I also don’t want to look like a 1987 mom in jeans. No Jordache or Chic here.
Act your age, not your shoe size.
I’m long-legged. I’m thicker in the middle. Could StitchFix pull off finding jeans to fit me? In my latest April fix not only did they send jeans that fit me, my husband says they are the best jeans I have owned in the nine years I have been wearing jeans around him. He has seen me and loved me through my 60 pound yo-yo of weight gains (including two pregnancies) and dramatic decreases and then with 25 lb. increases. He has seen me in four different sizes of jeans. But these jeans are his favorite. They are Level 99 brand and I am a believer in them.
Consistently, StitchFix provides me prints and colors I love, like in this top I wore with Talbots gray dress pants and a CAbi jean jacket to Hunter’s piano recital last weekend.
I spoke last week at a FFA banquet in rural North Dakota. A fellow speaker and rural mom, also name Katie stood on a cement block to take a picture with me. I was wearing the first ever maxi dress long enough for my 6’0″ frame. It was from StitchFix! Another shout out to Laila.
I don’t know Laila personally but you get a personal note in your StitchFix box from the shopper that helped you on the Fix. So far, two fixes from Laila and one from Olivia have scored for me.
And those jeans I have already raved about from Level 99, the best fitting jeans I have owned? I wore them on a dairy farm to visit my friend Emily before shopping at a big city mall in them with my sister-in-law Lori. Flexible wardrobe options, I love.
I have a lot less in my closet than I did earlier this year. Purging and cleaning out was the best thing I did before signing up for StitchFix. Now I have a fresh start with new, fashion forward pieces that keep me out of wearing yoga pants and wool socks everyday I am home. Plus I have new, fresh looks when I have commitments outside of home.
How much am I spending? How much should you spend? It varies on the month and budget. I have a budgeted amount I will spend. If you keep all five items, you get a 25% total discount on the total amount plus the $20 stylist fee is waived. If you send back an item in the self-addressed envelope they include with your shipment, you miss out on those savings. But I did have a pair of white jeans that just did not fit my life or my middle very well. White jeans on the dusty prairie get gray very quickly. Plus they were tight. I sent them back. Otherwise I have kept all items sent to me.
The greatest bonus I have received StitchFix is the referral program.
April’s Fix which included a dress, three tops and jeans, cost me $75. How? 25% off for buying all items. Waived $20 stylist fee. And I had $175 credit. For each person who signs up under your referral link, you get $25 credit. So, thank you to my seven friends for signing up for StitchFix! SCORE.
The negatives I have read online is that StitchFix only offers sizes 0-14 and that the wait time now is two months out when you schedule your first fix. I’m understanding to that as they are a young and booming business. I think they will expand their offerings with time and of course have more stylists to help more customers but it all takes time. So for now, I’m sticking to monthly fixes which are scheduled in and at anytime I can “skip” a fix which might happen later this summer. Or you can just schedule in a fix when you need one or as budget allows. Once a year. Four times a year. Every month. Whatever works best for you.
For now I am awaiting my May 21 fix that will include a dress to wear to summer weddings. HOORAY. I’m all for making my life less hectic, more organized and productive. StitchFix does that for me.
A woman who looks and feels good can be a happy woman. A happy mama makes a happy family. Whatever it takes, I’m justifying StitchFix in my life.
Hopefully for the many that have asked me on Facebook page about StitchFix, this gives you an overview. Let me know if you have tried it, with luck or no luck or are going to give it a try. I’m still a buy local first woman but the ease added to my life with StitchFix is definitely worth it for me. I can’t wait to see others enjoying this online personal stylist service!
What’s your favorite place to shop for clothes? Have you tried StitchFix?
StitchFix didn’t ask me to write this. I’m not sponsored. If you subscribe to my blog by email (in the right column) and/or answer ONE of above questions before Wednesday morning, May 7 at 6 a.m CST, you will be entered to win one of three $50 StitchFix gift cards. Limit two entries for those that subscribe to my blog and enter a comment.
Make you sure you list your email address and name when you comment so I can contact you if you win on Wednesday. Even if you aren’t going to use StitchFix, it would make for a fantastic gift for a mom, sister, friend, neighbor or colleague.
Update: This giveaway is now closed. You can see the winners here.
My favorite place to shop in the last year has been Banana Republic. However my shopping has been limited to online and when I may be going through a city where a store exists. We don’t have one in little ole Chico. I think you’ve sold me Katie. Maybe I will schedule a fix…finally.
I love stitch fix! I have received 3 boxes and the 3rd I didn’t send anything back!! Loved your review.
Too. Funny. I can’t find a maxi dress short enough and you can’t find one long enough!
Lately, my favorite place for tops has been fillyflair.com! I love their colorful tunics. We also have a boutique in town with fun tops but it’s hit or miss on styles and prices. They can range from $20 shirts to literally $150 but they are catering to people that summer in our town on the lake. I love to support the boutique when I can because they’re our only clothing store in town and it’s SO FUN! http://www.yourflirtboutique.com/
I also love Maurices because there is one in each of the neighboring cities and tend to cater more to the country girl at times. They carry my favorite jeans and under tanks. I’m kind of all over the place, really. I do mostly online shopping so whoever is having the big sale… Gap, J Crew Outlet, Old Navy, etc.
Have not tried Stitch Fix…… One area I do lack in is business and dress attire. Maybe they can help me in that department. I just plain hate shopping for business attire. Hate. Hate. Hate. It.
I just received my first box right in time for our ND Convention in Bismarck. I loved all my pieces and was surprised how well they fit. Being a business owner, mother, wife, on multiple boards, and living on our hobby ranch gives me little to no time for shopping. I am hooked after my first box and can’t wait for my second.
I wonder if they do tall sizes, in tops as well as pants? I often buy from Old Navy as longer tops are usually in style there. Long Tall Sally has tall tops, but at designer prices that I can’t usually afford. I got my business dress shirts at the Tall Girl shop in Seattle before they closed. It’s tough being a tall girl, who isn’t just long legged.
Understand! I need tall sizes in anything made also but it is nearly impossible. We love Long Tall Sally! My sister s 6’4″ and using StitchFix with success so far. She put in her actual measurements and explained what she needed. Good luck!
I have had one Stitchfix and was really impressed with all of the selections – I didn’t keep everything but I did buy a top that I would probably never have picked out myself and I love it. I’m definitely looking forward to my next box to see what the stylist picks out for me. I think it’s fun to shop this way – even though I live only 30-40 miles from a lot of good shopping in the Twin Cities, I am busy at home and at work and do most of my shopping online.
I love stitch fix!! I have been getting it for a year or so now and rarely not keep something. I received that same green jacket and kept it too!!!!! I usually do most of my shopping online and love Kiki larue or banana republic
I hardly ever shop for myself as a working mom but hope to schedule a Fix after our 2nd child is born!! When I do, it is local or Amazon.
I’ve been debating trying Stitch Fix, I’ve been a stay at home mom for so long, and don’t spend much time shopping. (Tall and Big feet, it’s not like I can shop in every store.) Think I might just give it a try. Thanks for sharing your experience.
I do not love shopping. This might be a good option to try!
I actually filled out the survey, but have yet to pull the trigger. I may have to do that today!
I love StitchFix too! I did the same closet purge a couple months ago, and needed to find pieces for work that were different from what I could find at the mall. And I wanted good quality pieces too. My first Fix was a little disappointing, but they truly do get better with time. My third Fix, I kept every single item. I have another Fix scheduled for July… And I can’t wait.
I love shopping the boutique stores when I get to Bismarck and of course hit some of the fun department stores when I get to big cities! Stitchfix has been great to me as it offers items that not everyone else has!
This was my third Stitchfix and I ended up keeping the whole thing. I agree with all that you said above! So nice to be pushed out of your comfort zone and find you love it!
I have not tried stitch fix but thinking about it. I like to shop at Scheels, Maurices, & Kohl’s. Haven’t had much luck shopping online except for shoes. lol I would love a gc to try out Stitchfix! Thanks so much. I am subscribed to your blog and here’s my comment.
Bonnie Schulz
I’ve been debating trying just in hopes they’ll find me great jeans.
My favorite place to shop is modcloth.com for their dresses. Love their reviews, details and customer service. It’s almost a community.
I tend to buy most of my accessories from local artists.
Love stitch fix! Love all of your photos in your outfits! I’m a shopper yet a $20 styling fee and a box on the doorstep is much cheaper than a tank of gas and a full day in Roseville at the Galleria (70 miles away) where I inevitably spend too much on “deals” that May or May not work out and are hard to return due to the distance back to the mall. Thanks for supporting a great business and spreading the word!
My favorite place to shop is Christopher and Banks. Rarely go out of my comfort zone, so would be fun to try some new things and ideas!
My favorite store is Loehmans but now that they closed I’m lost! I’d love to try StitchFix because I love the idea of someone shopping for me.
I typically have luck at Hot Mama, but rarely get to the mall–so it tends to turn into a bit of a spree 2x/year! I’ve seriously considered a Fix & even filled out a profile from one of your FB links. Then I talked myself out of it after the delayed first Fix, wasn’t sure how to budget for it, etc. I’ve been working out like a mad woman trying to tone up for summer & have a Fix as a reward in my motivational calendar. Would love a push to get me to schedule it! Loved your thorough article on it!! geneva@twopeaspod.com
I hadnt heard of stichfix before but i think This looks like fun. And now with a toddler I hardly have anytime to shop.
I subscribe to your blog and would love to try stitchfix. I probably wouldn’t do it often, but it would be nice to have the option there. Thanks for the chance at the giftcards!
I’d love to try Stitchfix! I’m a big fan of Coldwater Creek and am so sad that the stores are closing. I guess that I didn’t shop there often enough!
Great post Katie! I signed up for a stitch fix account a couple of months ago- but haven’t ordered anything yet! After reading your article- and if I win a gift card 🙂 I think I’ll place that order!
Mine comes at the end of the month. I had to specify I work outside and can get dirty but I want stylist/comfortable tops that make me feel prettier than a nike polo.
I scheduled my first fix last month and am anxiously awaiting its arrival next week. I went ahead and scheduled monthly fixes because I had heard horror stories about the wait times if you don’t. Thanks for all the great information!
I LOVE StitchFix – I’ve received two so far, and just wrote my first review here: http://www.jaimew.com/blog/2014/3/31/my-first-stitch-fix-review. I think the key to getting items you love is taking the time to fill out the online survey thoroughly and to give clear feedback on the items you receive.
I have filled out the whole survey but I’m hesitant because I’m on the edge of plus sized. Some brands I am, some I’m not…depends on the fabric, the style etc…
Definitely going to give it a shot! I am in a similar situation, 6′ tall with a similar body type, and 80 miles from a bad shopping mall, 160 to a “decent” one!
New to your blog. I just started styling through Stitch Fix two months ago roughly. The first fix wasn’t all that great, but the second box I kept all five items. My brother dropped dead of a heart attack a couple of years ago at age 42. It was sudden and a wake up call. So in the past year, I got up off my bootie, started exercising and eating right and have lost two dress sizes and 30 lbs. I have about 15 left to go, but in the meantime I discovered I have literally NOTHING nice to wear. See, I work with horses in a barn, so jeans and tees are my items. But now that I am looking and feeling much better, I want to dress better too! What better way for a busy mom than to have clothes hand selected and delivered to your door?! I am traditionally hard to fit and flatter (your typical apple shape) but somehow they have pulled it off. I feel beautiful now when I head out (well… I still wear jeans to the barn, but all the other times I am looking great!) LOVE LOVE LOVE Stitch Fix. LOVE them.
I shop at Maurice’s. 🙂 try have great business clothes and casual. They offer all sizes and lengths which is great for taller women. 🙂
I’ve tried Stitch Fix, and I really think it gets better with every fix! I got an amazing bag last month that I’m obsessed with! We’re getting married (this Saturday!) so I’m trying to save money right now… But my heart says “Buy honeymoon clothes!” 🙂
I love to shop (whether it be online or in actual stores). I find it to be a great stress reliever. However, I have recently gained wait due to medication, and have started a new job where I can’t wear yoga pants/sweat pants everyday. I like to dress business casual and I lean towards slacks and button up shirts as they tend to be more forgiving and breathable (I sweat easily, no sweaters for me!) My favorites are from Target (Merona brand) and J.Crew Factory (the thinner, “washed” shirts). JCPenney also has a few good brands (Joe Fresh, Liz Claiborne, and Worthington) along with great coupons and sales. I will check out Stitchfix.
I love Stitch Fix too! Just a few weeks before I had even heard of it, I had the thought that a subscription styling service would be such a good business idea! haha. I also live a ways from a shopping mall, but my main issue with shopping is that I have two young boys. I have NO desire to take an infant and a two-year-old shopping, so I usually only go when my husband takes them for an afternoon, but more often, I shop online.
I’m a military wife, living overseas, so I immediately jumped on the stitch fix bandwagon, and LOVE it. I kept everything!!! 😀
I just got my first stitch fix last month, and I love it. I cant wait to get my fix this month. We are overseas (military) and I was excited to be able to get something so cool.
I started using Stitch Fix in January, and I’m loving it more and more with each box. I think it helps to request the same stylist for each fix, so that you don’t have a new stylist re-learning what you like/dislike each time.
I love shopping at Banana Republic – I think I’m gonna try Stitch Fix though based on all the awesome reviews I’ve been reading from various blogs!
I hesitated at first but finally tried Stitch Fix…I loved it! Everything fit, which was a miracle…and the clothes are so cute.
I’ve been on the Stitch Fix bubble for awhile…maybe this would convince me. LOL. Zulily has been my go-to shopping site on occasion, just for something unique and different. And an occasional CABi spree.
I’ve never heard of this! I must live in a small town!! Ally loves to shop at Maurices for me! She is my go to gal!! I will have to check this out! Safe travels!!
I LOVE Stitch Fix. I’ve gotten three fixes so far. I realized that Stitch Fix is helping my wardrobe grow up a little bit without looking older. I always get tons of compliments on my items from them. Thanks for the giveaway and chance to win!
I love stitch fix! I saw your link on Facebook and am glad I stumbled on your page! I too, love versatile clothing, and it’s really important for me when making a purchase. I am a new working woman and love the business appropriate pieces that I’ve received from stitch fix. By receiving monthly fixes and setting a monthly clothing budget, I’m able to add professional pieces at a pace I can afford. I hate being at the mall, in a dressing room overwhelmed by options. Stitch fix is tailored to me and my needs, and I love the comfort of trying everything on in my home with pieces I already own. Plus, there is no pressure to buy! I love that.
I’m hooked on StitchFix. It has made me more adventurous when I do randomly shop in a brick and mortar store. I’m more willing to try the types to things that StitchFix has suggested for me or that match my fix items. I’m excited to jeans from them soon!
My favorite place to shop seems to change every 6 months or so.. but now I am on a Target streak. I love that they have a wide variety of clothes and accessories for affordable prices. I also have tried stitch fix, and received my last fix yesterday. I have not been overwhelmed by them quite yet, but as this is only my 3rd box I’m going to continue. My issue is the pricing. I live alone, and just graduated from Texas Tech University in December with a Bachelors of Science in Biology and a teaching certificate. With graduating in the middle of a school year, I have yet to find a job. Subbing full time for minimum wage, waitress on weekends for $2.13 an hour, paying bills, and paying back student loans is killing me- and I have asked them to keep prices low when possible. I hope that my stylists can start to piece together what I do and do not like soon- just because I’m currently poor doesn’t mean that I can’t look fabulous!