It is brutal cold outside. What are you doing inside your house to stay occupied? There are plenty of projects to tackle. But we needed some new creative fun at our house. Snow ice-cream is old hat on the prairie. Mix fresh snow with sugar, vanilla and milk. I decided on a new treat. Snowman Sundaes. They were made famous by Marshall Field’s on State Street in downtown Chicago. I might be from the prairie but I love city girl fun.
Here is the recipe and basic instructions we followed for Snowman Sundaes.

- Vanilla ice cream
- Large marshmallows
- Red food coloring, watered down
- Maraschino cherries
- Raisins or chocolate chips
- Red licorice twists
- Paint a face with watered down red food coloring on each large marshmallow. Cut maraschino cherries in half. Scoop two scoops of vanilla ice cream into chilled ice cream dish. Place marshmallow on top, half a maraschino cherry on top as a hat. Place raisins on the front of the ice cream as snowman buttons. Insert cut one red licorice twist into each side of the ice cream sundae for snowman arms. Chill to serve later or enjoy immediately!

I normally don’t have Twizzlers in the house because I will eat them all. But this was a good excuse to buy them. We needed a few and I can eat the rest of the bag…or not.
Miss E had new paint brushes ready to go to paint faces on marshmallows for the snowman faces.
She let her younger sister, Miss A, age four, paint one face. The one with the “hair” is Miss A’s.
Miss E loves “projects” and was so proud of this creative project. Fun inside in the house in -60 windchill is the best. (Ask Miss E why she has a scraped face. She had a run-in with a skate which could have been so much worse.)
First Snowman Sundae was complete. Then Miss E finished one for every family member and added candy cane arms for a special sundae for her big brother. Naturally, we chilled them outside. Because it is colder than our deep freeze!
Tomorrow, on my birthday, the kids don’t have school due to the extreme cold. It’s a rarity to have school cancelled in rural North Dakota. What indoor fun projects ideas for kids do you have? I need a few new tricks in my hat!
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