There is a lot of excitement around Christmas, particularly with young children we have. But we work purposefully for our kids to know the meaning of the season. We have the pop culture Elf on the Shelf this year which you can see on my Facebook page or on Instagram. But through a few Christmas programs, Sunday school, books and conversations we have at home, our kids absolutely know Jesus is the meaning of the season. Our faith is the cornerstone of who we are. Second to our faith is our family.
With family schedules, we work to make sure both sides of our family have time together at Christmas and sometimes we celebrate all together. This year it worked best for us to come to my sister-in-law’s house this weekend for an early Christmas.
After we had opened gifts at Auntie Lori’s house last night, the door bell rang.
And in walked Santa right into Lori’s living room. Santa has aged through the years.
But he’s been visiting Pinke family Christmas celebrations since at least 1977, when he is documented with cousin Travis.
In 2009 for our Christmas on the prairie, he climbed right of our chimney! But this year’s living room appearance right through the front door did not disappoint.
He handed out a gift for everyone except Grandpa Eldon, who wasn’t feeling well and was in the bathroom, for about 20 minutes. Too bad Grandpa Eldon missed out on the Santa visit.
The girls still definitely believe in the magic of Christmas. And while Santa has nothing to do with the real meaning of the season, the memories with family creates memories that matter for decades to come for our kids.
Auntie Lori goes out of her way to create special moments and memories for us with amazing meals.
Like Prime Rib. Perfectly roasted.
And impeccable decor.
But what matters the most is not the food or decor. What matters most is our family, rooted in faith, celebrating together.
Tonight, after a second try, I got the timer on my new camera on the tri-pod to work together for a family capture that even included the beloved family almost twelve year-old dog child, Charlie.
I love our Pinke family. Merry early Christmas from our family to yours!
Merry Christmas, Katie and family! Best to you in 2014. I hope this will be the year we get to meet in person.