If you build it, maybe…the snow won’t come. That’s a great theory. This week, my husband and son set out to build a snow fence to keep from snow drifts clogging up our road. It’s best to be prepared for future pending snow fall..and blizzards. As my husband informed me, “Katie, you don’t just put up a snow fence and hope for the best. There are calculations, simple math, based on the height and distance from what and where you want to keep open…” At this point, my husband looked at me and smiled knowing his math detail was losing my attention and then just said, “it’s just simple math!” Okay. Simple math and you can build a snow fence. I hope it doesn’t just keep the snow off our road. I hope it keeps the snow from falling in mass quantities!
So does Miss E. Because evidently snow makes her cry.
After 45 minutes of getting the girls ready to go outside in their warm clothes to play in the dusting of snow, Miss A marched out to help. But Miss E, her older sister as you can see above wasn’t enthused.
Then Miss A got an idea which got her sister moving…
and greatly benefited Miss A. I think the girls might be doing this all winter long.
Whether we end up needing the simple snow fence to fend off drifts or not, the girls have found their version of snow play. Miss E is the horse and Miss A is the buggy.
Below is a linky for you to share your Wordy or Wordless Wednesday post. I love reading your blog posts and seeing what you share. Wednesdays are fun days for blogging! Have fun connecting.
It’s been a whirlwind week. We’ve been home from Disney World for a week and earlier today I posted Why I’m Making Work Mom Career Changes. We like to keep things moving around here. Now if I can only find some time to get Christmas shopping organized and done between evening basketball games and a holiday open house we are hosting for a few contractors and customers. Tis’ the season!
What’s your favorite holiday activity? Caroling? Cookie baking? Snow fence building?
I love that sled! My husband and I never saw a snow fence until we moved to Illinois. Back home in Indiana our snow fences are trees. In Illinois, we lived on a hill out in the open and we attempted to put one up to keep our driveway clear which failed miserably. The first good hard wind and the fence was blown down…I don’t like math either 🙂
thanks for the memory! i remember snow fences lining the roadways as a kid in Wisconsin! haven’t seen that in years!!!
I do remember these in ND and those blizzards!