Miss E has a salute on Veteran’s Day to share with you in honor of all veterans but especially her Grandpa Eldon and her Great-Grandpa Sonny. She learned this tribute with the teaching and helping of Lori, our famed daycare provider and wanted “have a show” to perform it this morning. Welcome to her 48 second Veteran’s Day show…
I’ve watched the video multiple times and will again. I love how she gets her numbers mixed up but keeps going…and the “I love mama” melts me, of course.
Thank you to generations of veterans and to the families that sacrifice alongside of them for our freedoms.
TexWisGirl says
Leslie says
That’s adorable! Especially when she got her numbers mixed up.
Prairie Mother says
Adorable Miss E! I love how she refused to smile at the end..too cute~
Colleen Cecil says
Love, love love this!