Our county fair started Thursday night and we are immersing ourselves in attending events at it through the weekend.
It makes me giddy with excitement.
It’s not from the years of experience I’ve had at the fair.
I didn’t grow up showing animals or submitting 4-H projects to a local county fair. Despite generations before me blazing a trial of 4-H success, I chose a different path. I wasn’t going to be a country girl and I wasn’t going to be a farm girl. The only 4-H I ever participated was a horse club and it was short lived.
I had big plans for my life elsewhere, far, far from a county fair, far far from a 4-H club, far far from the rural prairie.
Life happens. Dreams transform.
Now as a mother of three and wife on the rural prairie I find myself bubbling with excitement for our little county fair.
Silly? Think I must not have enough to do?
These girls are two of the reasons I get excited for the fair.
They are country farm girls, Miss A, age 2 and Miss E, age 3 1/2, bubbling with joy for calves, lambs, horses, carnival rides, hot dogs and cotton candy. And I am bubbling with excitement for grand stand entertainment and tomorrow’s kuchen (heritage German pastry with custard and fruit) contest. I’m going to head out early to get photos of the kuchen to share with you from peach to prune to strawberry to cheese to the “other” category. The county fair kuchen contest won’t disappoint.
Do you attend a local summer fair? What’s your favorite part of it or childhood memory at the fair?
I’m linking up with Two Bears Farm for Memory Lane Friday today.
The picture of the girls in their hats is too CUTE! We just took Holly to our county fair today. She really enjoyed it today. She made all the respective animal noises as we walked through the barns and she got to sit on her cousin’s bucket calves. We had a lot of fun!
i love that your girls get to experience all this ‘glee’. 🙂 Dallas is home to the State Fair of Texas so if hubby is home, we try to attend that and soak in some beef cattle, goats, horses, etc. barns and wander thru the quilts and jams and of course the butter sculpture.
I have to admit that I love food on a stick! That once a year kind of treat is always fun.
Went to my hometown fair (not even the county fair) in Kansas last Saturday and got to visit with people I hadn’t seen in more than 20 years. Bombed in the softball throw and water balloon toss with both my husband and my son, but what fun!
how do you get to be a kuchen judge? I want that job!
Thanks for linking up 🙂
Steve and I are both on the fair board and we run Thursday through Sunday. Needless to say, we are in the middle of FAIRMANIA. A week from now it will be almost over! Whew! Hope we don’t melt in between times!