Spring fever.
But not everyone wants to go outside.
The big idea girl decides to make a mad dash for herself.
It doesn’t feel like Spring.
“Here, little sister, if you aren’t brave enough to try yourself, I’ll move you outside.”
“Never mind.
It’s cold and despite my Spring fever sneaking out maybe wasn’t such a good idea.”
Hmm…I have a feeling this might not be the last time Miss E sneaks out or as she says “sneaked” outside. She’s awfully brave and always full of big ideas.
What’s your Spring like this week?
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alicia says
What great captures. Love the one where she is carrying little sis. Too funny. Thanks for linkin up. Happy WW!
texwisgirl says
cute lil girls!!!
angie says
So adorable. You can really see their excitement!
Alysha (Supermom) says
love how you captured the moment… every part of it happening. hope you get some “spring” weather soon.
Amber says
Gosh, too cute! I felt like I was right there watching it happen!
I will cross my fingers you see spring VERY SOON!! We have only a very tiny patch of snow left in the front yard….it’s been nice having the grass back for a couple weeks (even though it’s ugly and brown and dirty right now!)
Mom Hearts Pinot says
hahaha too cute! I don’t blame her for trying! I’m sick of winter, too!
{Not Quite} Susie says
Haha! I love it, that’s adorable! 🙂