Miss E spotted a tree to climb late yesterday afternoon as we aimlessly were running through the lakeside grass.
With some hoisting help from me she made her way up the tree.
It was a proud accomplishment.
Anika preferred the grass and was quite nervous at the thought of getting up into the tree.
Elizabeth encouraged and cheered her younger sister on until I was able to also hoist her up to join us. The above picture captured the girls’ sisterly love for one another.
But Anika’s tree climb was short lived.
Her preferred play spot was playing around a perfectly planted log covered in grass and was safe on level ground.
A second tree Miss E found had a lower point of entry which she turned it into a “house” for us to play in and then she managed to open a store in the same space.
Oh the imagination of a two year old in a tree!
An afternoon tree climb and run through the grass with the girls was the epitome of what this hurried and harried mother needed. When the days are long and my patience short, I need to think “happy thoughts” as my mom taught me as a young girl. These moments and photos will be forever branded into my memory as just that, pure joy and happiness, that will bring a smile to my face and an ease to any day.
If you haven’t climbed a tree recently or ran freely through the wide open grass, go. Then on your long days you can have your own happy climbing tree moment to ease your hurriedly day and remember what life is all about…happy moments…like climbing trees on the farm.
What a great day and beautiful memories:)
Awesome photos. I especially love the sisterly love one.