The kids and I are enjoying the next few days with out any schedules on our family farm.
This is our calm before the storm as Hunter begins football practice next week and then school the following week. I also will go back to my full-time work routine in mid-August. But since our daycare provider decided to take a vacation, I am doing the same. She knew I needed it and I think this will become an annual routine.
The girls helped me deliver two rounds of meals to the fields today. We received many smiles and thank you’s.
My mom makes the most fantastic meals on the go for the harvest crew. I gain approximate 4-5 lbs. just from delivering these meals. She makes me my own meal bag plus I snitch during preparation and clean up. Summertime weight gain is not fun but the meals are oh so good.
Elissa talked her way into getting a few rides. First it was swathing barley with Great-Grandpa Sonny.
Hunter was busy cleaning combines and had quite a dirty and sweaty day.
Anika was cruising all over the farm today with a content yet quietly proud smile on her face.
Tomorrow Anika and I have a mommy daughter date to go to our favorite longtime photographer to (finally) get her one year photos taken.
Next it was a field visit with Grandpa Fred. He was swathing barley and then combining wheat later in the day.
Finally, it was a few rounds in the combine on the final 60 acres of wheat with Uncle Jim.
You get to drink pop on hot harvest days and today was no exception for Miss E. She had her first ever can of strawberry pop, at least her first ever can that her mother knew of…
and her shirt tells the best story of the day. There is lunch, supper, grass stains, barley and wheat straw plus some grease and oil stains. Add those all together it equals one fabulous harvest day on the farm.
How Fun!! Brings back memories for me too on our farm. Have a nice time!!