My mom is one of those mothers. Most likely the kind of mother, you dream of being. Raised by a mother, my Grandma Nola, who is a college graduate with a home economics degree, my mom can cook, bake and sew like no other I know. She is creative and artistic. She is musical. She is a writer. She is a teacher. All her these characteristics of my mom created an amazing childhood for me and made me much of the mother I am today to my children.
When I have the chance to be reminded of my mom’s abilities like I have in the last 24 hours, I am in awe. Yes, awe, because first of all, I am much more like my dad than my mom. I am a strong woman and mother because of my mom. But my dad’s traits shine through in me more than my mother’s. No offense to my father, but neither of us are very creative or musical. I can cook but not at my mom’s level. I don’t bake often. Sewing is something I may try if I can muster up enough patience and carve out a tiny bit of time to allow myself to learn.
What specifically did I observe in the last 24 hours that has me raving and in awe of my mom?
I observed my mother bake, from scratch, 23 different kinds of pies in 24 hours.
Read that sentence again because you might have missed it.
Maybe you are a pie baker of this caliber?
I am not.
Another fascinating detail of my mom that my husband pointed out to me this evening is that my mom does all of this in stride. It is not stressful. It is not tense. It is just normal for her.
Unlike me, which my husband also just reminded me of, who nearly has a nervous breakdown the night before hosting a family holiday. (Thanks, honey.)
No matter what refridgerator I opened at the farm, my mom had pies ready to go last night and this morning for our annual farm tour.
I did not bake any of them. I just took pictures of the pies.
I have never made a single pie that looks like any of these pies. I may never. But they are quite inspiring for me, to eat more than bake, another trait from my dad.
You can learn more on my mom’s farm blog, Griggs Dakota on the specifics of the farm tour and numerous kinds of pies she made. For now, I am off to enjoy a bed time snack of lemon meringue pie while my husband eats cherry almond brownie pie.
Amazing!! She sounds like my mother in law with pies!! I make pie but certainly not 23 in a 24 hour period. I also don’t get mine to look “pretty”. Your mom and my mother in law’s pies look awesome. One day maybe I will master the pie making art!!! I will have to check out her blog too. Take care.