Two weeks from her first birthday and Anika has yet to cut a tooth. The little research I have done and talking with other moms tells me this is normal and fine. However late teething babies and toddlers tend to have a more painful teething experience. Such is the case for our baby girl. Her gums are hurting and she really lets us know. For our calm and happiest baby in the world, we are not accustomed to ever having her cry. I have never needed a hat full of teething tricks before as both Hunter and Elizabeth breezed through teething with out much complaining.
But now I am creating an arsenal of soothing tricks of the trade to keep Anika comfortable.
This is my favorite teething trick so far, which was a gift from Auntie Lori.
Pull this from the freezer, pour in juice, yogurt or fruit puree and within in minutes you have popsicles.
The best reward though is within minutes you have a happy teething baby!
Any other teething tricks you know? Frozen wash clothes my mother tells me.
Any other teething tricks you know? Frozen wash clothes my mother tells me.
I welcome your input as I build my arsenal. We are in this for the long haul and I am going to need all the tricks of the teething trade.
This link has links to some cute ideas. 🙂…%29
Hey there!! Both of my kiddo’s were late teethers too. We did popsicles, frozen peas, frozen washcloth and I also did Hylands teething tablets. I also froze teething rings for them. When they both teethed so late they tended to get a bunch of teeth all at once, so at least it got done quickly!! I will pray for you and for her as you go through this.
So….Aliya (close to the same as as Anika) has had the opposite experience. With her 1st bday having occurred on May 18th, she is currently in the process of cutting teeth #’s 9,10,& 11 at the same time. She is cutting her canine teeth and a molar right now. YUCK! Teething tablets during the day along with frozed teething rings work. At night, motrin works much better than Tylenol. It is longer acting so she sleeps much better.
I like the popsickles – I think I’ll try that! 🙂 We miss you guys! You need to come to town so we can go out again!!! We’ll arrange for a sitter for all the kids.