I know we have grandparents awaiting these pictures from last night.
Hunter has been wearing his rally hat at a lot baseball games lately. He is playing with his one classmate and then primarily younger boys this summer on our local small town pee wee team. They have been working hard towards their first win in the month of June.
Last night in extra innings with the game tied, after Hunter had pitched the entire game, we had two guys on base with Hunter up to bat. Coach T gave some hitting advice to Hunter.
Home run for Hunter.
He was smiling when he went to bed, woke up smiling and is even smiling now while he does some jobs around the house to get ready for Anika’s birthday party tomorrow.
In the midst of our summer activities, I am still trying to make meals that we can sit down together and eat, not just peruse concession stands at baseball games. My source for inspiration is often from The Pioneer Woman. I have made enough of her recipes now that I keep ingredients for some of my favorite stand by recipes on hand. We had Shrimp Pasta in a Foil Package on Monday night.
I use what I have…basil instead of parsley, frozen shrimp not fresh (we live in the center of North America after all), minced fresh garlic instead of chopping it myself…all for convenience and time.
In the end we have a family meal to sit down to and I am still sane after a day of work and kids pulling at my legs while I cook.
This delivery also made my cooking easier this week…
My grandma sent Hunter… a package of a new recipe she tried.
Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies…divine.
Between the Pioneer Woman and Grandma Nola, the family is fed and we are happy. Happy for home runs and baseball and happily fed and happily gearing up for Miss Anika’s birthday tomorrow!
YEAH HUNTER!!! Love the pioneer woman too!