Last Saturday on a chilly morning at the farm, Elizabeth and I created her new favorite play time activity. Who knew homemade playdough could create daily fun for hours? I think my mom did because I followed her recipe titled “Mama Jane’s Best Homemade Playdough”. It was one of her parenting secrets when I was a child. Homemade playdough is easy, inexpensive, creates fun playtime but the best part truly is that Miss E is strapped into her high chair and captivated for a long period of time. She is happy, content and not moving. The only other time all three of these things simultaneously occur is when she sleeps.
A potato masher mixes the colors well.
We brought the play dough home with us when we left the farm last weekend. Last night when I called home to talk to Nathan and the kids. E promptly told “Me pay my pay dough Mommy!” and Nathan said yet again she was in her high chair playing play dough.
When play dough play time gets a little uneventful for Elizabeth, she can always resort to her favorite game of “Where’d me go?” otherwise known as peek-a-boo.
And she really thinks you cannot see her until all of sudden she reappears when she magically uncovers her eyes.
Even big brother Hunter thinks play dough is pretty cool, particularly mixing all colors together and creating snake-like objects.
After attending my first ever Calgary Flames hockey game last night, I am home bound this morning. I now have a bright red “Flames” sweat shirt to wear on the prairie. You cannot go to a Flames game with out wearing red. Or so I was told. I am a sucker for marketing. The Flames scored two goals in the first 70 seconds of the game, never to score again and lost 3-2 against the Avalanche. I eat more when there is less to watch on the ice I learned. I really did not need those “munchies” in the third period but I guess it added to my game experience!
This morning I had a wake up call of 3:00AM to get up, ready, to the airport, checked in, through customs, through security and to board my flight by 6:00AM. If all goes according to plan, I should be home in time to pick up Anika and Elizabeth after nap time and Hunter from school. I might even be able to whip together something for us to eat a family meal together. This has been my longest time away from the kids since I went back to work. While I have been very busy and occupied with work in the past few days, I cannot wait to be home, gets hugs from the kids and snuggles from Anika. She is still my snuggly mama’s girl!
After supper tonight I think we will carve pumpkins and then have repeat play dough time!
Would Mama Jane consider sharing her play dough recipe? It would be nice to make for my K class!! Thank you for continuing to share how God is blessing your beautiful family!! Dorine