A rainy day, coat and hat on and going down the stairs to ask Hunter to take her to the park. Her hat says “I’m the little sister” on it. Still a little sister to Hunter and knows how to get her way with him and others like Uncle Joe (she is having a lot fun at the farm this week with him!). Busy Bits politely asks for what she wants such as “Hunta, pahk plezb?” If Hunter does not instantly jump up to take her to the park within seconds Busy Bits will shout, “HUNTA, NOW! PAHK NOW.” She demands action…now. Where she gets it? Both Nathan and I are at a loss to know.
Busy Bits in Anika’s infant seat. She also loves getting into the infant baby swing and riding in it like the swings at the park. Of course she is much past the weight limit but it seems to be holding up so far. Her baby doll rides in the swing too.

We love our Busy Bits!
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