During Auntie Lori’s visit she had Miss E open a box which you might remember from past events, boxes sometimes can be more exciting for Elizabeth than what is inside of them. However this time around there was a…
Bitty baby! Along with the blond hair and blue eyes, the Bitty baby came with handmade items that match things Auntie Lori has already made for Elizabeth including a sweater, hat and blanket. Plus there are pajamas, a purse, mirror, brush, diaper changing set, etc.
Now each night Miss E brings Bitty Baby (the doll is not named yet) to me to put her jammies on before bed. Both my sister and I had American Girl dolls. I was older when the dolls came out and was very much into reading the books along with dressing my Molly doll who was from the same time period as my Gma Nola. Sister K created an entire Kirsten’s “world” as she called it in our storage room for her doll. She had scenes set up and Kirsten had quite the life for a long time. Kirsten’s world was put away before K’s high school graduation party…ha I am sure my sister is thrilled that I am telling you that news. Elizabeth will have plenty of grandmas, aunties and a great-grandma contributing to her love for “baby” for years to come.

Now that we have a “Bitty” baby in our home, the next baby to arrive will be a big baby brother or sister for Elizabeth and Hunter. We will do an ultrasound in a couple weeks to check the size of our baby. So even though that little sidebar icon says I am eight months pregnant, it is teasing all of you. I am measuring well into being 9 months pregnant…so it will be like being 9 months pregnant for two months. Again as long as it is a healthy baby and safe arrival, our prayers will be answered.

My doctor said yesterday “I really don’t think we have a six pound baby here”, which made me look very closely at a friend’s baby boy late yesterday afternoon as she held him. She had twin baby boys two weeks ago both who were 5 1/2 lbs. each. They are healthy and well and it is amazing to think that I already have a baby like that doing a gig inside the womb. My friend and I laughed though because she measured four weeks ahead of schedule with her twins and I only have one baby doing the same. Thankfully this pregnancy has flown by and now we are in the final waiting stage to meet our baby!
Wait and see. June may be long weeks of waiting. But I am going to take it upon myself to get my work done and organized before departing on mat leave, get Miss E moved into her new pink bedroom, watch all of Hunter’s baseball games (which start tomorrow), take him to a couple camps, attend cousin Scotty’s wedding and in between enjoy some evenings at our local lake with our family, probably doing E’s favorite thing there to do…throwing rocks into the water. Maybe Hunter and Nathan will even catch fish in the month of June.
FYI: Kirsten’s world was disassembled when I was 16. TWO YEARS before my high school graduation. 🙂 No matter, I will assemble it again when I have a house of my own!
I am so glad Miss E has her own American Girl Doll! Now I just need to have enough money to buy her things for it!