Eldon has spent a lifetime building homes for hundreds of others in our region. Now this summer Eldon and Carol will get a new area in their home for themselves!
Miss E and I arrived after the “danger” had passed.
Elissa blowing a kiss to Charlie her dog friend who was safe in the kennel.
After taking down the tree, Nathan and his dad transplanted five bushes from Eldon and Carol’s yard to our prairie land. Indeed it is our first step of…landscaping. Phase I. In a couple weeks, we will tree row planted. Phase II. The Soil Conversation District will do the planting and they told us with tender loving care for the next…(drum roll) fifteen years we will then be blocking wind and snow from the north and west. Nathan and I hope to be in this house for at least another fifty years. Thus our tree investment in a couple weeks should pay us decades of rewards! We will have trees in time for Miss E’s high school graduation. Hunter would like to move the process ahead and just put in “big” trees but he hasn’t earned enough money to do quite yet. (Nor have we.)

So exciting! I am looking forward to seeing those trees at Elissa’s graduation party, though I don’t even want to think about how old I will be in 17 years!