In the New Year, we have a new announcement from the Pinke family. See the gadget on the sidebar? Yep, Baby Pinke will arrive this summer. The actual due date is July 14, 2009 but my doctor will not let the baby wait that long to arrive. We are praying for a safe and healthy baby to arrive soon after June 30th, 2009. Maybe an Independence Day baby on the 4th of July. Or for my Canadian co-workers a Canada Day baby on July 1st, 2009!
We will keep you posted on baby progress and news. We are not finding out the sex of the baby ahead of time. It will be a surprise! A little sister would be so much fun for Miss E. Plus we are freshly and fully supplied with plenty of pink for another baby girl. However, Big brother Hunter will tell you he is clearly pulling for a little brother and he already calls my quickly growing belly bulge “Drew”. He thinks “Drew Pinke” sounds like a good sports name and often does starting line ups announcing “Drew Pinke“. We have six months to debate. A safe pregnancy. A healthy baby without complications. It is our New Year’s “wish” and our daily prayer.
We are so excited for you and your family! And I love that you are not finding out the sex of baby…such a wonderful surprise!
We are so excited for you and your family! And I love that you are not finding out the sex of baby…such a wonderful surprise!
CONGRATS!! What wonderful news to start the New Year!! My prayers for a happy, healthy, and uneventful pregnancy!! God Bless!
CONGRATS!! What wonderful news to start the New Year!! My prayers for a happy, healthy, and uneventful pregnancy!! God Bless!
We can’t wait to meet the next beautiful Pinke babe! congrats!
WOW! How exciting- congratualtions Pinkes! Keep us posted on how things are progressing. Hope you are feeling good Katie.
WOW! How exciting- congratualtions Pinkes! Keep us posted on how things are progressing. Hope you are feeling good Katie.
Congrats Katie! I’m sure Hunter is super excited and for sure pullin’ for a boy! Why are they taking him/her early? Did they do that with E? I’ll keep you in our prayers for a safe, healthy pregnancy! Congrats.