We are making progress at unpacking boxes and trying to tackle the many tubs and boxes we have stacked in the basement. Right now our storage room is empty so Nathan and his dad can finish building shelves and then we need to complete a major purging of “stuff”. It would be easier to just keep everything in those unmarked plastic tubs but we may NEVER tackle the project if we don’t do it before we move them back into storage.
Elizabeth helped me by unpacking books. They eventually made it on the book shelf outside of her bedroom…after we had touched and looked at every book. And it is also a fun game to pull them off the shelf!
Today we are having visitors. My mom just left from a visit last week and must miss us already. My parents and grandparents are coming to watch Hunter play in a home basketball game later this afternoon. Truthfully–it rained so there is a stop in bean harvest and my dad can finally get away to see Hunter play. This will be the first time my grandparents have visited since we moved into the new house. Last fall and spring when they visited they had to stay in the local motel…that maybe once was a Super8 but certainly has not been remodeled or updated since 1983. Last Christmas, they didn’t have HEAT on in their motel room and when they finally did get it on it wouldn’t turn OFF. Hilarious. Hopefully their stay at the Pinke Lodge will be a bit more accommodating.
Tomorrow is the annual Sauerkraut Day. All you can eat sauerkraut…and all the fixins for free. I definitely will be taking pictures. I’m not sure if these German Russian folks will know what to do with blond Scandinavians coming to their Sauerkraut Day but it will be a guaranteed good time.
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